The 60 Day...


go at your own pace!

releasing august 2024!

What is the...

If I had to pick one thing about being a photography educator that I love, its watching the light bulb moments during workshops…but the worst part about workshops is the fact that they’re limited to one to two days. Can you imagine if, as a child, you had one day to figure out cursive writing? Or in high school they introduced the Pythagorean Theorem on Monday, and by Wednesday you were tested on it and moving on to the next chapter?

It’s 2023, so a year of college courses covering photography probably is excessive (and most likely would be wrought with outdated teachings), but what if you could get a grasp on the fundamentals of photography — specifically in this course family photography — in two months?

Last year, I rolled out my first ever 60 day intensive Newborn Bootcamp, and I don’t think I could have dreamed how perfect it was going to go. Each student submitted specific lighting, posing and styling images for a pre-class assessment, and I reviewed each and every image giving feedback and most importantly, goals to set for our 2 month long course.

 60 day family Bootcamp?

Click here to see the
weekly curriculum

I was blown away by the transformations, whether it was the graded work, weekly access to me through video office hour calls, or piece by piece, broken down videos building on skills to transition into the next steps, in nearly 15 years of teaching, I had never seen growth like I was seeing with the first 40 students in the Newborn Bootcamp.

So now it’s time to apply the same educational structure to one of my favorite topics -- lighting non-newborn subjects and how that ties into location scouting and in home shooting. Then following that up with a family posing flow that makes sense for all families and photographers, along with interacting, prompts for different ages and stages, and then finally editing.

The cost of this course is $499 — that includes the two months of weekly videos, pre-recorded live demonstrations (both indoor and outdoor lighting), a digital workbook that corresponds with each weeks’ lessons, homework, and quizzes!

Guys, after two months with the first class -- I am so excited about this Go-At-Your-Own-Pace version…especially right before the fall family season! -- just in time to blow your clients away with your growth for busy season, or if you’re a new photographer — a chance to start your career with skills I only wish were available to learn in 2008 when I started. 

If you're the kind of student who loves an actual teacher, you can add on 1:1 mentoring calls! One before you start the course, and use the second one at any point during it!

-Flat light
-Green casting
-Bootcamp Lighting video 
-Bonus lighting video from the Collective membership 
-2 homework assignments
-lighting cheatsheet
-lighting quiz 

-Finding good locations 
in cloudy and sunny weather video 
-time stamping / sun mapping homework
-Digital scouting for travel sessions and/or new local spots
-RVP education excerpts
-20+ page location workbook
-2 additional homework assignments

- 8 page Rachel's Methods Workbook
-Setting focal points
-excerpts from Photography 101
posing for shallow depth
-camera settings
-methods test
-Model session homework
-Pre-Recorded Live Teaching  

-posing flow Workbook
-posing flow video
-posing homework
-family intensive from RVP education
-posing quiz
-posing flow cheatsheet

Advanced posing Workbook
-height difference
-age gaps
Posing flow for one child
2-4 kids
5 plus kids
Extended family 
advanced posing homework
posing quiz

-edit along with me pre-recorded video and RAW images to practice
-Pre-recorded Live in Wisconsin senior session

-Bonus RVP education video based on what students struggled with most as a group
-Pre-test quiz
-model family session
- Pre-recorded live group Q and A 

-Put in to action shoot what you have learned
-Each category submission for self-review 

Private students only Facebook group
Life-time access to the class material
Mobile access
Access to Rachel via comments and tagging in the group!

Bonus for everyone

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